The Cloud Revolution is Dead.

Dear reader: this heading and article caught our eye and we want to share it with you because we have spent the last two years developing a digital platform we call 'Brand Manager'. A system aimed at improving how you manage all aspects of your business information and digital assets using the cloud.

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The revolution that has effected a long and brutal assault on businesses and their IT departments has ended. Software consultants and vendors pushing large-scale implementations that take years are no longer fighting against cloud based options. They aren’t fighting because they’re too busy trying to remain relevant. The cloud revolution is dead because it has run its course, and it has been a success.

Why would any business want to maintain racks of expensive hardware, running operating systems and networks that need to be maintained, secured, upgraded and load balanced, when it could pay a relatively small cost for another business to do the same? And not just any business, but a business whose whole model depends on them taking care of those things, and a business that hires the best people in the world to ensure its success.

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This article was originally posted by Matt Lacey on his own blog at Matt Lacey is half of the S. P. Keasey Trading Co., a MVP and hacker.

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